Meditation Not Helping Motivation
Motivation is very important to desire certain goals in your life. I am not going to lie and say IÂ meditate every day or really even on a set schedule, however, when I set aside time to sit quietly and do nothing, shifts happen in my life. The practice seems to reduce the grey matter density in areas of the brain related to anxiety and stress.
In recent decades, mindfulness meditation has taken the Western world by storm. Once Halloween hits, it's off to the holiday races, so it's important to keep our crazy brains in check — to keep our minds strong — so that we can sustain balance and remain steady amongst the flurry of year-end activities.
After searching endlessly for the underlying cause of my constant anxieties, daydreams, fears and worries, I finally figured it out (or at least I think I figured it out) that my brain does not have the necessary faith in the fact that eventually things are taken care meditation of. It keeps working overtime unduly over trivial things.
That is, after meditating, people performed no better or worse than people who did not meditate, although mindfulness should have helped people perform better because it allowed them to focus on the task at hand. If you must think of things in terms of success or failure, then consider it a success anytime you attempt to meditate.
Normally, I would have profound experiences where surges of vibrational energy would flow through my body, and at times, contact with deceased loved ones would come and visit me. This stuff all stopped for some reason and my motivation quickly began to dwindle.
The people given the meditation were really unmotivated to do the work. Make where you meditate a special place, and in time you will be aware that the energy where you sit is far calmer, because it will become a special place to you. The book was called "Seven Practices for Conscious Living." I felt a strong pull toward this book, like the feeling I had when I first saw the ad for T'ai chi.